The campus will remain closed until 12 noon Thursday, 02/13/25. Students should log into Canvas for specific class information from their instructors. Please contact event organizers for information on specific activities. Normal operations will resume at 12pm on Thursday.
Home » About » Faculty and Staff Resources » 25Live
Only faculty and staff of Lawrence Tech may obtain and utilize logins to submit room requests. Students who would like to reserve a room must have their faculty/staff representative or the Office of Student Life submit a request on their behalf.
Contact us at
A 25Live/Event Management request must be submitted for ALL space reservations regardless of the size or nature of the event. All room/space requests need to be submitted online through 25Live/Event Management. Requests submitted any other way will not be accepted.
If you hold a class or event in a room in which you move furniture around to suit your needs you must move the furniture back to its original placement before leaving. Failure to do so will jeopardize you or your organization’s ability to reserve rooms in the future. You are responsible for cleaning up any space you use at 利记sbo. Failure to do so will result in a loss of room reservation privileges.
**All individuals and organizations are responsible for damages and/or losses incurred during their occupancy of a room.
Go to 25Live Pro, and log in with your campus credentials.
Only employees of 利记sbo may submit room requests. Students who would like to reserve a room must have their advisor submit the request. If your group does not have an advisor you need to contact the Office of Student Life.
Be sure to have a name for your event, the organization that is hosting the event, the type of event you are having and how many people plan on attending.
You will then need to select your day and time.
Find a space that will work for your event.
Choose the 25 Live Calendar to put your event on and submit your reservation request!
When a special attribute such as setup, media services, IT services etc. is requested on an event, in the email confirmation that is sent to the requester of the event, there will be detailed information as to how to request these special needs for your event.
Room requests must be submitted at a minimum of 2 business days prior to the event.
Additional time should be added to your request for events requiring set-up/tear down. Please make sure to reserve extra time to ensure the room will be open during the times Campus Facilities needs to do their work. Guidelines for set up/custodial requests are as follows:
There are several spaces on campus that need to go through a multiple step approval process before your event can be confirmed. Make sure you submit requests for these spaces as far in advance as possible. The rooms are:
Alumni Hall – Taubman Building
Architecture Gallery (A210)
Buell Management Building (M216B, M336, & M337)
Engineering Building (E108, E109, E156, & E159)
Ridler Field House
Science conference room (S108)
The Taubman Board Room (C402)
The Taubman Complex (J230 & J351)
Welcome Center (C406) – events after 5 p.m.
After your reservation has been confirmed, you can email us at to request any changes you might need for this event. Whether that be a time change, date change, or location update, we can help you resolve any new issues that might arise once your initial reservation has been approved.
If you do not hold your event please be courteous and cancel your 25Live reservation by emailing
All 利记sbo faculty and staff can reserve rooms. We recommend first contacting your department to determine if there is a specific policy or a liaison that takes care of placing reservations. Student club and organization leaders should contact their faculty/staff representative or the Office of Student Life to have them place the room reservation requests. Requests received directly from students will not be accepted.
If you are an outside group or if you are an 利记sbo employee requesting space for a group that is not affiliated with 利记sbo, contact Special Events and Services at 248.204.3881 or email for more information.
Faculty and Staff use their campus credentials to log into the system. If your credentials are not working, email for assistance.
We encourage all requests to be submitted as far in advance as possible, even if it is for a future term. Scheduling events for future terms will start approximately one month before that term. Until then requests will be kept as pending until the academic class schedule has been set for that term. We will email you once we are able to proceed with your request.
We know things come up at the last minute but please plan in advance. For last minute requests, please email for assistance.
NO! We are unable to move classes to accommodate events. The only standing exception to this rule is Admission events. If your class needs to be relocated we would contact both the department and faculty member at least 2 weeks in advance.
If a person or group would like to appeal for an exception to this policy they will need to get written approval from the University Provost. The written permission must then be forwarded in order to proceed with scheduling your event. Please be aware it is rare for requests of this nature to be approved.
How do I make changes or cancel an event that has already been confirmed?
Please do not submit a new request to cancel or make changes to an existing confirmed reservation.
Email us at! Any requests made in this manner you will need to include the event reservation reference (2012-AABCDE). Requests submitted without sufficient information will not be processed. You can find the reference in your original request confirmation email.
Audio Visual
All Audio Visual requests must be arranged by the event requestor through the Audio Visual department at least 10 business days in advance. Additional time should be added to your request for events requiring set-up/tear down. Please make sure to reserve the extra time to ensure the room will be open during the times Media Services needs to prepare for your event. If you have any questions they can be reached at or 248.204.3020.
Campus Dining
All food requests or catering needs (which include snacks, meals, drinks, table clothes, etc.) must be arranged by the event requestor through Campus Dining. Outside food vendor requests must also go through Dining Services and are contingent upon their approval. Please contact Leo Tykoski at or 248.204.3203 for more information.
Campus Facilities
For small-scale events utilizing one or two distinct rooms or locations, a minimum of two (2) weeks advance notice is required.
For large-scale events utilizing three or more distinct rooms or locations, a minimum of six (6) weeks advance notice is required.
Events that occur on the weekends will need to be set up by 3pm on that Friday.
To request setup or custodial services, please complete the online request form: Please keep in mind that a 25Live confirmation email confirms room availability only. For set up availability, please contact the Department of Campus Facilities directly at or x3800.
No! You should submit semester course schedules in an Excel format to The only time you would have to make a request through 25Live Pro for a class is if they need a different space once during the semester.
When going through the Event Form, after you run a search for a space, please be sure to click on the box that says “request” to reserve the space. The button will change to text that says “added below”, and you will see the room appear below.
When the Event Form does not allow you to continue after selecting a location, the selected location is unavailable. A list of the conflict(s) will appear. You will need to select a space that does not have a conflict.
First, check to ensure you have typed the name of the space correctly in the “Search Locations” section. In the search locations box, type the room description (i.e. E101) for a specific room. You can also see all rooms in a specific building by typing the building description (i.e. ENGR) then click “search”.
An update in the 25Live system requires that all events be requested at least 24 hours in advance. Dates less than 24 hours in advance will not be available to select in the Wizard. Please contact the Event Scheduling Team at with further questions.
Your space is not reserved until you have received a confirmation email from the Scheduling Team. If you have questions regarding why your event has not yet been confirmed, please contact the Scheduling Team at
If you are attempting to schedule an event that spans multiple years, please note that this is not permitted by the 25Live system. Events spanning multiple years will need to be submitted separately by year (e.g., all 2015 dates in one request, all 2016 dates in a separate request.) If you are receiving this error and are not attempting to create an event spanning multiple years, please contact the Scheduling Team at
You can also contact the Scheduling Team with any questions or concerns you may have at Please bring any questions not on this list to the Scheduling Team’s attention so they may be properly addressed.
Contact the team at
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